Lovers Ln
The core program directive was to create a one-of-a-kind outdoor escape that balances flexible use and garden space.
The Lovers Lane Office project originated as a simple, private terrace garden, accessible from the executive office suite within the building. It quickly expanded into a more ambitious exploration in Japanese-inspired materiality and aesthetic. Walls and seating comprised of varied finishes of gray granite provide safe enclosure on the terrace and planting depth for lush specimen trees: Japanese maples, fastigiate sweetgums, and a forked native live oak. A reflective water features a generous bullnose edge that guides the gently flowing water downward, creating textured mosaic ripples that catch and reflect the light. The placid horizontal surface mirrors the sky and surrounding trees. Mounding drifts of dwarf pittosporum interject a soft verdant texture, juxtaposed to the cool tones of the hard granite.
Interior Design
Granite Supplier
Dallas, Tx

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